Kirchliches Archivzentrum Berlin
Evangelisches Zentralarchiv in Berlin
Evangelisches Landeskirchliches Archiv Berlin
1. Landeskirche
2. Mittelbehörden, Kirchenkreise und Verbände
3. Kirchengemeinden
4. Archive der Mission
4.1. Archiv des Berliner Missionswerks
4.2. Gossner Mission und Kirche (Indien)
G 1 Gossner Mission
01 Indien
02 Nepal
02.01 Nepal allgemein
02.02 UMN - United Mission to Nepal
02.02.01 UMN - Projekte, Aktivitäten
02.02.02 UMN - Korrespondenz
02.02.03 UMN - Finanzen
02.02.04 Protokolle der UMN
Gossner G 1/522 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Mitgliedschaft der Gossner Mission (1968-1970)
Gossner G 1/553 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee 1969 (1969)
Gossner G 1/554 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee und Board of Management (1969)
Gossner G 1/555 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee 1970 (1970)
Gossner G 1/556 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee und Board of Directors (1971)
Gossner G 1/557 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee 1971 (1971)
Gossner G 1/558 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee, Appendicies 1971 (1971)
Gossner G 1/559 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee und Board of Directors (1972)
Gossner G 1/560 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee 1972 (1972)
Gossner G 1/561 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee und Board of Directors (1973)
Gossner G 1/562 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee 1973 (1973)
Gossner G 1/563 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee und Board of Directors (1974)
Gossner G 1/564 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee 1974 (1974-1975)
Gossner G 1/565 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee und Board of Directors (1975)
Gossner G 1/566 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Executive Committee 1975 (1975)
Gossner G 1/567 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Sitzungsprotokolle und Jahresberichte (1969-1973)
Gossner G 1/568 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Sitzungsprotokolle und Jahresberichte (1974-1977)
Gossner G 1/569 UMN - United Mission to Nepal, Protokolle Board of Directors 1972- 1973 (1972-1973)
Gossner G 1/847 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1977-1979)
Gossner G 1/848 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1980-1981)
Gossner G 1/849 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1982)
Gossner G 1/850 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1983-1984)
Gossner G 1/852 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1985-1987)
Gossner G 1/853 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1985-1987)
Gossner G 1/854 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1988-1989)
Gossner G 1/855 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Board Meetings (1990-1991)
Gossner G 1/856 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Regionalkonferenzen - Konsultationen (1976-1987)
Gossner G 1/857 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Executive Committee Meetings (1977-1989)
Gossner G 1/858 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Executive Committee Meetings (1981-1983)
Gossner G 1/859 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Executive Committee Meetings (1985-1990)
Gossner G 1/860 UMN - United Mission to Nepal. Protokolle Finance Committee, Coordination Committee (1977-1989)
03 Zambia
04 Verwaltung und Organisation
05 Kirchen und Organisationen
06 Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Gemeindedienste
07 Finanzen
08 Personalunterlagen
09 Gossner Mission in der DDR (1954-1992)
G 3 Die kleine Biene auf dem Missionsfelde
G 2 Die Biene auf dem Missionsfelde
G.E.LC. Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church (Indien)
4.3. Archiv des Jerusalemsvereins
4.4. Archiv Dr. Lepsius Deutsche Orient-Mission
4.5. Archiv Morgenländische Frauen Mission
4.6 Gesellschaft zur Verbreitung des Christentums unter den Juden
5. Sammlungen
6. Nachlässe
7. Sonderbestände
8. Bibliotheksgut
Archive der EKBO